Feb 11, 2012

I'm sorry I've been...

My apologies friends.
This past week has taken a toll on my routine and the blog just had to be last on the list. I will return shortly with more posts, updates, letters, photos and inspiration. Just know that I'll be out of the hiatus shortly! Things has been busy in my little corner of the world but for the most part good. I have to remind myself of my favorite quote, "The only constant is change" and accepting that change and working from it. I hope things are going well for all of you and just hold on tight for posts :)

Ps. This photo was taken with my first roll of Holga film around seven months ago. Some friends and I took a little walk/photo shoot off the Blue Ridge Parkway and it led us here. I need to go back to that breathtaking place!


  1. what a dreamy pic!

  2. can't wait for the posts!! enjoy the rest of your weekend :)


  3. Yay for Holga cameras!! They're fun aren't they? :)
    Looking forward to having you back into regular blogging! Hope all's well :)


  4. this picture is lovely, i was wondering if you took it! your photography is so wonderful!
