Anyway -
Last Thursday I was reunited with my TRUE home - Raleigh! Boone is truly where my life is currently - my responsibilities, job, studies and my room, but Raleigh is always so refreshing when I visit. I was able to spend some quality time with my globe trotting best friends. My friend Renee, a fellow blogger, and I visited and spent a few hours (& I am not exaggerating) at one of our favorite restaurants in Raleigh - Lemongrass. Apparently, they have been there for eight years, but we've only discovered them a couple years ago thanks to a coupon. Who doesn't love a locally owned Asian cuisine restaurant? Great conversation. Great food. Great company.
I also treated my mom & younger sister out for a belated Mother's Day dinner at her favorite restaurant - PF Changs. Basically, I worked on Mother's Day in order to pay for our meal haha. If you haven't heard of PF Changs, it is a Chinese bistro chain restaurant that has one of the best lettuce wraps I have ever had, among other things. Here's some snapshots!
Other than that, I got to spend some quality best friend moments with everyone back home, which was very much needed. Many of the people that I love the most in my life I was finally reunited with & it felt great. I miss everyone already. Everything just makes senses when I'm home. But alas, Boone is another home away from Boone that I feel bittersweet to back reunited with.
Some Boone moments from last week include:
- Celebrating one my roommate's 21st birthday! This included dining at Cha Da Thai - local Boone Thai cuisine (Yes, a lot of Asian food last week...haha), a night full of laughter and my other roommate & I even made her breakfast in bed! Yummy blueberry pancakes with fresh strawberries + blueberries.
My beautiful roommates & I with our GREEN backyard! |
It's true! There are officially zombies in Boone. Keep your brains and organs safe!
Now that I'm back in Boone, I must prepare myself for all these summer plans!
- My internship officially starts this upcoming Monday. Where did May go?
- I need to start more things for the MusicFest 'N Sugar Grove
- Start my account on MINT to organize my finances (Thanks Renee!)
- Find a hair piece for my Aunt's wedding in June! (Which I am also the asst. wedding coordinator for)
- Some minor grocery shopping
- FIND MY APRON, I work in .... 2 hours.
& continue cleaning out my room.
Oh, and write a lovely hand-written letter to my one of my good friends :)
We've kept up this tradition for a few years now! Yay!
Because I didn't do music video Monday, here's some links to FREE music that I've been enjoying the past week. Thank you Amazon!
1,000 Ships - Rachel Platten
Love You Strongly - Amy Stroup
Told you it was a super update.