May 18, 2011


Because my old habits of procrastinating have been revamped through this blog, I owe it to myself & to my ..."readers" (I say this, because really...who needs this blog?), or I should say, my imaginary audience, for an extreme update of my, trying-to-be-interesting-life.

Anyway -
Last Thursday I was reunited with my TRUE home - Raleigh! Boone is truly where my life is currently - my responsibilities, job, studies and my room, but Raleigh is always so refreshing when I visit. I was able to spend some quality time with my globe trotting best friends. My friend Renee, a fellow blogger, and I visited and spent a few hours (& I am not exaggerating) at one of our favorite restaurants in Raleigh - Lemongrass. Apparently, they have been there for eight years, but we've only discovered them a couple years ago thanks to a coupon. Who doesn't love a locally owned Asian cuisine restaurant? Great conversation. Great food. Great company.

I also treated my mom & younger sister out for a belated Mother's Day dinner at her favorite restaurant - PF Changs. Basically, I worked on Mother's Day in order to pay for our meal haha. If you haven't heard of PF Changs, it is a Chinese bistro chain restaurant that has one of the best lettuce wraps I have ever had, among other things. Here's some snapshots!

Other than that, I got to spend some quality best friend moments with everyone back home, which was very much needed. Many of the people that I love the most in my life I was finally reunited with & it felt great. I miss everyone already. Everything just makes senses when I'm home. But alas, Boone is another home away from Boone that I feel bittersweet to back reunited with.

Some Boone moments from last week include:

- Celebrating one my roommate's 21st birthday! This included dining at Cha Da Thai - local Boone Thai cuisine (Yes, a lot of Asian food last week...haha), a night full of laughter and my other roommate & I even made her breakfast in bed! Yummy blueberry pancakes with fresh strawberries + blueberries.

My beautiful roommates & I with our GREEN backyard!
Along with celebrating her birthday, we had to visit beansTalk because we found out they are closing down their Boone location and moving to Concord, NC. SAD, SAD DAY. BeansTalk to my friends and I is such a landmark for Boone, it's weird to think about Boone without it. It encompasses our past few years in college and it'll be hard to see it go :( It's rumored to having disputes with their landlord and unable to stay at their current location. So, here's a little tribute to beansTalk! Their officially closing day is this Saturday, May 21. So, if you're in Boone, support them and enjoy their last day here.


It's true! There are officially zombies in Boone. Keep your brains and organs safe!

Now that I'm back in Boone, I must prepare myself for all these summer plans! 

- My internship officially starts this upcoming Monday. Where did May go?
- I need to start more things for the MusicFest 'N Sugar Grove
- Start my account on MINT to organize my finances (Thanks Renee!)
- Find a hair piece for my Aunt's wedding in June! (Which I am also the asst. wedding coordinator for)
- Some minor grocery shopping
- FIND MY APRON, I work in .... 2 hours.
& continue cleaning out my room.

Oh, and write a lovely hand-written letter to my one of my good friends :)
We've kept up this tradition for a few years now! Yay!

Because I didn't do music video Monday, here's some links to FREE music that I've been enjoying the past week. Thank you Amazon!

1,000 Ships - Rachel Platten
Love You Strongly - Amy Stroup

Told you it was a super update.

May 10, 2011

Music[video] Monday 003

Technically it's Tuesday - also one of my roommate's birthday! Yay for 21st birthdays!
Nonetheless, I'm still doing "music video Monday"

Today - it's Coldplay's "Strawberry Swing"
It's a great song, creative and you know it took time & patience to make.
The imagination is wild,
and it brings me back to sidewalk chalk days :)

It seems like I'm only giving weekly updates :/
Work wise, these two past weeks have been dedicated to serving those hungry stomachs at Primo's. From April 26 to May 8,  I clocked in 64 hours. Remind you, this includes the week of FINALS. Ha. Ha. I might've been a little work heavy these past two weeks, however, I only work one shift this week and then it's Raleigh, (possibly Wilmington) for the next five days or so!

Other than that, I've just been wrapping up some internship things and treated myself out to a few items from J. Crew. Initially, the purpose was to find a birthday present, but I eventually did that too. Forty percent off already reduced prices? But of course, little horse!

Some other news include:
- Going to the Philippines in mid August! I do get an international trip this summer (yes!)
- I need to make a serious workout plan. I love my clothes too much to not fit in them.
- I am currently on the fifth Star Wars movie, but technically second movie...if that makes any sense.
& overall really enjoying the things happening in my life right now. Of course, there are some things that could potentially be "better". Sure, you can have everything, but no one said at once.

Good night!

Alas, great days in Boone = picnics! Here are some snapshots of a wonderfully spent day in Boone.

newly purchased picnic basket!

 my beautiful friends!

beautiful [alive] butterfly that posed long enough for us to take 2, 345, 643 pictures!

May 2, 2011

Music[video] Monday 002 + Update

This week the music video I chose is Sufjan Steven's "For the Widows in Paradise, For the Fatherless in Ypsilanti"
Sufjan is one of my favorite artists & I'm still getting to know his music.
This music video is the acoustic version of his song, but if are not aware of Sufjan Stevens, I promise you'll fall in love with him as much as I did.
This is one song I could listen to over and over and over and over again.
Especially, on vinyl.


So in the past couple weeks, my life has gotten exponentially a very resume building, putting money in my savings account, planning naps throughout the day kind of busy. After getting my acceptance for an internship at Appalachian State's University Department of Communications with one of my favorite professors, I was also offered a position as a press intern for Musicfest 'N Sugar Grove. Along with helping with distributing the press releases and making contacts, I am responsible for their social media, including their Twitter account, Facebook, etc. My manager at Primo's also asked me to admin their facebook page, along with my doubled shifts this week (thank you Graduation and Mother's Day) Hahaha One of my other professors also asked me to help facilitate a focus group in May for a few days! So exciting things are happening but my summer will be busy, busy, busy.

Spring semester officially ends this Wednesday!
I just have to get through a week of working and then it's off to Raleigh I go.
To enjoy a little break before I go hard core on these public relations opportunities.
I'm excited to see my friends from their study abroad programs, celebrate their arrival, internships and life! Family and friends are what I need the most & I look forward to being in the same city as them for once!

I'll explain more about Musicfest 'N Sugar Grove in another blog, but for now, you should follow us on Twitter and Facebook!