Oct 1, 2013

Skytop Apple Orchard | Flat Rock, NC

Right on top of the mountain lived the perfect apple orchard where all your dreams of apple slushies, apple donuts, apple butter and apple cider could come alive. A couple weekends ago, some friends and I made our way to Flat Rock, NC and spent the afternoon picking our favorite apples and giving our sweet tooth something to talk about. It was also the perfect afternoon to use my new Canon 60D camera (upgrade!). Nothing like picking apples with the mountains surrounding you and friends right by your side.

We even had an impromptu photo shoot of Tommy + Laura here.

I love these mountains.

Sep 29, 2013

Tomahawk + Laurabird

Birds of a feather flock together.

Sometimes living in the mountains has its perks like living close to the perfect apple orchard. In between yummy apple cider donuts, apple picking and apple slushies, I just had to take advantage of photographing these little love birds. They let me use them as models while I tried my new camera (yay!) before my big wedding gig. Thank you Laura + Tommy for being the most naturally photogenic couple! You both are so beautiful inside and out.

More apple orchard pictures to come!

Sep 25, 2013


The mountains - the beautiful backdrop for a beautiful kind of love.

Joseph and Katie met and fell in love with these mountains as their backdrop. It was only appropriate to take some photographs of them in celebration of their engagement. One sunny morning they dressed up, slipped their Chacos on and we took off to Pretty Place and Lake Sudie of Camp Greenville. Aren't they a beautiful couple?
The mountains are a beautiful place and it is wonderful watching love grow from them. Here's to Joseph and Katie, my wonderful camp friends. I love that even with their fancy button ups, dresses, dressy shirts and one heck of an engagement ring, they are still rockin' the Chacos. Yeah, definitely camp folk :)

Sep 9, 2013

"Nobody Likes You When You're Twenty-Three"

Welcome to the beginning of your mid twenties.
[insert quarter life crisis]

This past week I turned twenty-three and I felt the heavy weight of what felt like a quarter life crisis. After my dramatic reaction to misplacing my keys and cancelling my trip to Atlanta, I realized the root of the panic was my reality of turning 23. Each year I find it more difficult to "find my place" and find confirmation that I am headed in the right direction. From the first day of Kindergarten to graduating college, society had left some what of a skeleton plan for each individual. You go to school for x amount of years, you pick from x amount of majors and then you pick graduate school or a full-time position afterwards. Fortunately, my life stopped following that formula a year ago.

Instead of looking at 23 as one heck of a brick wall in terms of choosing the next direction, I see it as a hunk of opportunity. Twenty-two opened my eyes to new possibilities and 23 will open up my heart. I spent most of 22 feeling pressured, lost and unqualified. I picked from paths others tried to lead me in and second guessed any plan I had of my own. I am blessed to be where 22 has lead me, but I owe it to myself to be open to my 23-year-old soul and listen to its ideas, as ridiculous or expensive as they are.

Thank you 22 for being so patient, adaptive, critical and open to positions you never thought you'd be in. I have grown this past year more deeply and passionately than previous years. I have found more things to love and appreciate. I have learned to trust and be proud of the work I have created. I have fallen to the pressure only to be picked up by new possibilities. I have traveled and experienced some of the most beautiful places. I surprised myself. I allowed my heart to grow. I have simplified life in order to focus on the important things. I have seen life cruelties reminding myself to always be kind and put people first. I will always do what I love and love what I do and never again fall short to a standard.

A rock star once reminded me to actively participate rather than continuously anticipate, to accept what challenges you and defy gravity. This year I will do just that.


I know I have been absent from this blog for quite some time, but it has led me to some much needed clarity, on and off the blog. It allowed me to completely focus on the moment and think about the next step. I needed to unplug and get lost in my 25th hour for awhile. Hope you understand :)

Jun 11, 2013

Life at Camp

 The best things in life come unexpected. Also known as, the next three months of my life.

This week marks week three of my new camp lifestyle and position. What a ride it has been! Within weeks, my camp experience has been filled with new faces, strangers turned into friends, Chaco tans, facing fears, personal + work challenges, overcoming mountains...literally and figuratively, exploration, long working hours and simple living. I never thought I would be living at a camp as a Digital Media Specialist, but now I wouldn't want it any other way. For all the moments of pure exhaustion, physically, creatively and emotionally, there are more moments of accomplishment, adventure and pure fun.

Our theme at camp this summer is "Defy Gravity"... meaning to overcome the weight of everything that brings us down. Whether that be our circumstances, other individuals, our personal flaws and challenges, we can lighten that load through understanding, acceptance, forgiveness and a little faith. Our hearts may break and trust may be severed, but the true test is how we handle each situation and overcome them. One thing I have quickly learned from arriving at camp was truly dealing with the extra weight in my little heart that I have carried with me. It may have hindered some healing and made facing some personal or professional fears and challenges more difficult. As fast-paced as camp life can be, it actually has slowed down my mind enough to recognize the areas I have neglected in past years and give me some moments of clarity.

This summer I plan to:
explore new territory
give work my best effort
not just meet, but connect with new friends
live a healthier lifestyle - spirit, mind and body
treat myself
go beyond the surface
be the best version of myself
get an awesome Chaco tan
overcome mountains
get a stronger mind and body
have fun
drink more tea and less coffee
put smiles on kid's faces
lend a helping hand
open my heart
keep my mind open
do what I love and love what I do
eat more apples
have more adventures
get rid of the extra weight (figuratively and probably literally, too)
be myself
love myself
love others
challenge myself
accept others
and defy gravity.

I have had a rough time understanding and accepting some challenges I was faced with earlier in the year, but it has lead me to here. Right now. This moment. For that, I am thankful and each day my trust gets stronger for what the universe has in store for me.

Although I have internet access and (some) cell service in my office, my communication with the "outside" world is quite limited. Please be patient as I answer emails, catch up on blog life and find balance in it all. Don't be offended is my response is delayed!

Also, if you want to write to be at camp this summer, email me and I can send you the mailing address.
I'd love to be pen pals :)

Jun 6, 2013

Find Me at Poppy The Blog!

Did you know?
I am being featured today over at Poppy The Blog for her Wonderfully Made series. I blogged about how much I loved this blog series and now I get to be a part of it!

Be sure to check out the post over at Kristyn's blog.
Writing the post was a great reminder what a full life of adventure, creation and surprises I have. I should be thankful for every moment of it.

PS - I have been transitioning into my new summer position at a camp doing what I love working with video and photography, therefore, my blog posts have been non-existent. I can't wait to share my camp experiences with everyone and the great people and environment I get to surround myself with everyday.

May 28, 2013

Cheating on Tuesday Tunes

(yes that's me haha)

Last Friday, I guest posted for Happerly Ever After and since I am in the midst of packing and organizing for my new summer position at a camp, I am cheating this Tuesday Tunes by "recycling" a mix I already made ;) Hope that's okay!

Ali and I have a shared appreciation for a good playlist so it was only fitting I'd make one :) Plus, these are a compilation of my favorite of songs...if you could even choose. They have been my best friend, mentor, passenger and family. Each song has touched my heart deeply and hope it does for the same for you. Go visit her blog and be sure to take a listen! You will get to know me just a little better :)

Like I say, you need nothing more than a good playlist, good company and good intentions.

Have a great weekend!
Did you enter the custom blog design giveaway hosted by A Girl Named Leney & I?
You should probably do so :)
Giveaway ends June 4! Check her blog for more details.

May 24, 2013

Friday Favorites | Week 002

harvest records | asheville, nc
( image by melissa vega)

Welcome to another week of Friday Favorites! This new blog series may or may not be my new favorite posts to write! Actually, spending more time blogging in general has been a nice sigh of relief and creative outlet. This week I am featuring some music, advice from a notable graphic designer/blogger, a little fashion, photography concepts and another blog! Say what?

photo by Hello Suburbia

Lisa, of Hello Suburbia had a beautiful and unique concept of photographing her view from across the table in various locations. It is a view that we are all accustomed to, yet never consciously think about. After her blog post, I can now say I do. I think her series changes perspectives and makes your view of across the table a little more deep and intimate than it used to.


Design Love Fest has been one of my favorite design go-to blogs for quite some time. Bri and her team of influentially creative women also write an advice column and host Blog Shops to help us young creative folk turn our ideas into a tangible product. Her latest advice about coming up with original ideas was extremely helpful! Check out her short and sweet advice about keeping it original in the pixels of recycled ideas.


Everlasting Apparel is a blog series by Hanna created as an alternative to the typical fashion blog. Instead of focusing on the clothes to buy and the new trends to look for, her fashion feature focus on the individual's favorite piece of clothing. This represents getting away from the trend and wearing something meaningful and for a lifetime. This is a new series, but I can't wait to see it catch fire and see it grow. I was actually asked by Hanna to put together a post so hopefully I will have mine up soon :)

I have been anticipating this album release for quite some time now. After Alison and I heard "Step" play in Cafe Helios in downtown Raleigh, I just knew I had to have this album. Although their days of "A-Punk" made Vampire Weekend feel like head-bobbin' and fast paced, this new album is phenomenal. Listen to it yourself!

This past week I rekindled my love affair with tumblr. Do any of you still blog using tumblr? It was definitely the original Pinterest (although Pinterest does have its perks). And yes, my URL is the Damien Rice song "Rootless Tree". There was a period of time during my high school days where this song meant the world to me. Still does, actually.

I am off on some adventures this weekend! Can't wait to to share them :)
Unplug this weekend,
spend time with your loved ones
and give yourself a break!

You deserve it.
See you guys Monday...or maybe Tuesday ;) After all, it is a three-day weekend!

Did you enter the custom blog design giveaway hosted by A Girl Named Leney & I?
You should probably do so :)
Giveaway ends June 4! Check her blog for more details.

May 22, 2013

Hannah + Delilah

A few weeks ago, I got to photograph my beautiful friend Hannah, and her gorgeous pitbull Delilah. We wanted to get a few shots around City Market in Downtown Raleigh before she gave her pup to a new family :(. Photographing friends is such a great way to spend some quality time and do what you love with who you love! Enjoy our mini session. We will miss you Delilah, hope you love your new home.

And a few more ones from our LinkedIn appropriate photos:

Love you Hannah!