Mar 27, 2011

Japan Crisis Relief: AppState Style

 On March 24, 2011, the students at Appalachian State University came together to support Japan relief efforts due to the recent natural disasters that hit Japan. Students at AppState donated, planted flags, wore red or white and wore badges in support. We raised over $1,500! All donations were given to the American Red Cross and the Japanese Red Cross.

And the event continues!
App State students are planning another fundraising day on April 7, 2011.
So those on campus, visit Sanford Mall, donate any amount and plant a flag to form the flag of Japan.
Together, we can help rebuild Japan.

Here's a few photos from the last fundrasier.

3:30 p.m. - The current flag of Japan on Sanford Mall

One of the flags I planted

Photo of the two flags Hannah and I planted after our donations

It's amazing that AppState can come together and help to support relief efforts in Japan...
how many organizations, local businesses or anyone have come together.

- MV.

Mar 22, 2011

you are beautiful

source: here
taken Feb. 4, 2010[?]

Got this sticker awhile ago from a seminar about self-image at Appalachian.
Watched a film called Beauty Mark (click for more info)
And even had Diane Israel hold a Q&A session afterwards.
I remember having a good experience.
So remember, "You are beautiful."

Mar 20, 2011

different perspective

Here's to Monday! (link here)

Leah Dieterich's blog (check it out!) on giving gratitude on a daily basis.
Love her artistic flair on a simple, necessary concept.
Maybe we should all try it.
Give thanks to the little things in life...since those
are some times the things that matter most.

So here's some practice:
Thank you....
bed - for always being inviting at the end of my long days.
pillows - for the good company at night.
job - for letting me save, save, and eat.
legs - for not giving out on me after a weekend of serving.

like Leah, "thxthxthx"


Mar 19, 2011


"With every pair you purchase,
TOMS will give a pair of new shoes
to a child in need. One For One."

If you don't already know about TOMS, Which rock have you been living under?!
This is a business started by Blake Mycoskie that takes their customers and create benefactors. Instead of relying on fundraising, they allow for a sustainable business that makes profit and donates right back to their cause too. As someone who is majoring in Public Relations with a focus on nonprofit organizations, I can't help but look up to TOMS Shoes as a respectable business and plus, I love their shoes.

Here are my own pairs I've purchased.

So far they've traveled to Argentina, Rwanda, Ethiopia, South Africa, and the U.S. for shoe drops. Hopefully I'll be able to participate in one of them! They've got great styles and always coming up with new ones.
Currently the ones I have my eye:

How do you know the shoes are getting to the kids?
TOMS Shoes provides a Giving Report. It is a 11 page report that breaks down where the shoes go, to whom, etc. One of my classmates argued with me about the validity of TOMS Shoes one time.

As a class we had read a case study about Kasky vs Nike. Nike was accused of lax labor laws and she was arguing that even though she knew about them abandoning labor laws, she would still purchase their shoes because of their "quality". When I rebutted, stating that there are other companies that do good with their products, like TOMS Shoes, she (in a not so nice tone, might I add) criticized TOMS by replying "Do you know if the shoes actually get there?" and my answer now is YES, THEY DO. Here's your proof fellow public relations major.


If you don't have a pair of TOMS, just think about it :]

Mar 18, 2011

the most important meal of the day

Homemade omelette.
The best way to kick start a day is a great breakfast. Especially when you're trying to fight a cold (like myself.) Here's a little meal I cooked this morning.


- red skin potatoes
- butter
- onion (chopped)
- 3 eggs
- spinach
- sausage
- dollop of sour cream

Most of these ingredients I chose because they currently reside in my pantry. As a college student, you only have so many ingredients in your kitchen. You can truly make any kind of omelette you choose to. It's easy and it lets you be creative with your cooking. No recipe is ever truly needed for an omelette.  
All you need are the basics:

1. Depending on your ingredients, you may need to cook them separately before putting them in the omelette. For example, I boiled the red skin potatoes in a separate pot and cooked the sausage in a different pan.
2. You can make your omelette as large or small as possible. This morning I used 3 eggs. Next, beat your eggs. You can add any herbs/spices. I added pepper and salt.
3. Pour a tablespoon of butter to the pan. Then pour the eggs into the pan (preferably one with the size of your omelette.)
4. After the eggs look firm on the bottom and a little runny on top, pour your ingredients as evenly as possible.
   *you can then add shredded cheese for some extra flavor
5. Make sure your egg isn't sticking to the edges of the pan.
6. Then fold in half! Viola! You've got an omelette.
7. You can add sour cream on top for just a little extra yum!

Remember: You can add any kind of ingredient you'd like to an omelette. The great thing about these is that there is no true recipe to stick by. It is all up to you.

Here's to good, yummy, inexpensive and easy meals!


Mar 16, 2011

Right at this second...

These were taken at the beginning of the month through the window toward my back porch.
They sum up the weather for the past couple days...
We even had some snow/ice mixture yesterday...I was not pleased.
I'm ready for sunshine in Boone!

- I need to get my head screwed back on correctly for school. Spring break was last week and teachers are not holding back for the next few weeks -___-
- I don't know if I'm lethargic because I'm getting sick, not getting enough sleep, or just because I was born with XX chromosomes...if you know what I mean.
- The juices have been flowing for some major blog ideas! [Be excited. I am]
- I spent some time on the Adobe programs on campus (milking that cow 'til it's dry!) doing some renovations on the blog. 
  •  new banner
  • new links on the sidebar
Hopefully I'll have Illustrator + Photoshop to myself one day!
- I've been functioning on NAPS, NAPS, NAPS.
- Chinese food saved me today.
- I voted... on American Idol.

can't you see the "lethargic-ism" in my eyes?

Oh! And how I musn't forget retail therapy.
Hello Urban Outfitters gift card.
Finally, a Holga 120!
& a skeleton key bottle opener. Cute, eclectic, & useful.

Always, #prayersforJapan.

- mv.

first love.

Mar 4, 2011

A little piece of my mind.

click to enlarge. (c) melissa vega

Taken Feb. 28.11
My view from my back porch.
"Poem" written by moi.

Mar 3, 2011


"your skin and bones,
turn into
something beautiful."
- Yellow, Coldplay