Aug 30, 2011

Music[video] Monday 007

It's about time that I shared a music video.
Today was a bit of a struggle to find a video, just because I wanted to find the absolute perfect one.
Sure, perfection doesn't exist, but when it comes to this song, it sure comes close.

I am sharing "Rootless Tree" by Damien Rice. Live version from Abbey Road.
If you ever come across any sort of account name I had in the past, the term "rootless tree" should sound familiar. I do warn you, there are a few lines in this song that are explicit, but with the version I'm sharing it's very limited.

Damien has a way of being able to reserve words for when they count.
This song has been there for me for years, ever since it first came out in 2006/2007. The meaning of "rootless tree" changes every time I hear it and I don't know if I'll ever grasp the complete meaning, but I think that's the point.

"What I want from this
Is learn to let go
No not of you
Of all that's been told."

Does anyone remember this day?
It started off horribly and ended wonderfully because of the people surrounding me.
And guess what? The ones that mattered the most stuck.

Aug 29, 2011

My few days in Concord, New Hampshire

 All photos (c) Melissa Vega

Before venturing off to the Philippines this summer, I spent a few days in Concord, New Hampshire, the small capital where my Dad lives and works. While he was in the office, I got to explore New Hampshire by myself and loved every minute. I spent the majority of my time exploring its little downtown.

Photos -
[1] Sailing through the sky
[2] My organic meal at Celery Stick, an all natural cafe located in the Concord Market and Kearsarge Cooperative Grocer. My dad usually walks here during his lunch break every so often and I experienced why. The food is amazing! They call it the "Hot Bar" and they have different menu items made from scratch each day. Definitely recommend. My portion even cost under $5.
Pictured above: Red curry swordfish with rice, stuffed greens and butternut squash.
[3-4] At a coffee shop downtown called Caffenio where they served me delicious iced coffee with a generous refill. I used this time to do some work, even if I was on vacation.
[5-9] Photos of downtown Concord - local record store, abandoned theatre, local bookstore and various buildings.
[10-11] I spent some time in the Concord Antique Gallery, a block from the main street downtown. It's an antique store, need I say more? :)

Other adventures include:
- watching "Crazy Stupid Love" during matinee in theatres. It was a first movie I went to alone and I loved every moment. It's a different experience when you take yourself on a date!
- Also ate a yummy local restaurant called Cornerview and at a YUMM-Y local bakery called Bread and Chocolate (located downtown). I have some photos from last year that I took. This year, I actually tried their pastries. The bakery is even linked to the local bookstore...books and then pastries. A wonderful combination.

I love little towns.
I loved this little town.

What are some of your favorite little towns?

Aug 26, 2011

Flashback Friday 005

I am officially back from the Philippines!
I got about three days ago and have been thrown back into the realities of my life, including all the responsibilities I got to leave behind for a couple of weeks. Posts about my trip to the Philippines will come shortly!

For Flashback Friday, I wanted to share some photos back in the day of my mother.
It's cliche, but I truly cannot imagine the type of person I would be without her. Her birthday is tomorrow and I wanted to show the world (well at least the readers of this post) how amazing of a mother I have and how I hope to one day be as loving as caring of a mother as she is. Also, I would like her shoe and ring collection :]

My mother knows me inside and out even when I don't let her in, she knows my every thought. She continually looks out for me and lets me know how proud she is and how much she loves me. I always know she is looking out for me. She cooks me food to bring back to my house in Boone, gives me shoes she doesn't want anymore (that I do!), hangs my paintings in her apartment, and showers me with love. I haven't met a woman more hard working, appreciative or with a great personality.

Thank you Mom for being there.
For always being there.

(you can click the photos to enlarge)

My mother and I a handful of Christmases ago :]
Family portrait circa 1992
My mom and my cousin Kayla.

My mother while she was pregnant with my young sister in Guam
me, my mom and dad back in the day while I'm cheesin' away
my mom <3


Love you.

Aug 15, 2011

Quickie from the traveler

(c) Melissa Vega
Taken in 2009 Detroit Airport to my connecting flight to the Philippines.
Greetings from the Philippines!

Just wanted to send some love from across the world and give you all a few updates so that you feel like I haven't completely fallen off the face of the Earth!

So far I got to spend some time in the little town of Concord, NH and then past several days in Manila. Filled up my days with quality family time, good-plate-licking authentic Filipino food, shopping (of course), TRAFFIC, pollution and pictures. Silly me forgot my camera cord, so all the photos from my trip will have to be postponed 'til I get back! Then I will flood your eyes with visual aid of my vacation.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer thus far.
It'll be the first week of school the day I get back (time is FLY-ing!)
I will be in route to Tacloban and Bato, Leyte. Small provinces of the Philippines. We'll be taking an early one-hour flight to the islands. It's the province, therefore, my time on the internet is much more limited than it already has been, but I'm hoping to have some peace and quiet to actually study for the GRE and re-lax a little :] Manila gets a little hectic and crowded. Also, my Dad is donating twenty-some laptops to elementary schools in the province (reason for our trip) in honor of my grandmother. So, we'll be busy with that and of course the annual Lunang Festival!

As for the blog -
I am currently in the process of some "reconstruction" so please don't mind some unfinished projects on the layout, etc. I am in the process of working on -
> buttons
> sharing links with other bloggers
> traveling section of the blog
> minor reconstructive designs
Oh, and I changed the name to simply, melissa ashley.. What do you think?

See you all later and safe travels to all

Aug 9, 2011

Sunday's Someday 004 | Music[video] Monday 007 | Hiatus

Hello all,

I know, I know.
I haven't been keeping up with my "day-of-the-week" blog posts, but I've been quite the traveler.
I've spent the past couple of days in Concord, New Hampshire to stay with my Dad enjoying some time exploring the little town. I even went to the theatre alone for the first time. Very liberating. I suggest it!
I'll upload some photos soon of my time in Concord.
For now, I've condensed three days of blog posts into one :]

Hiatus ---

First off, for the next couple weeks I will be the Philippines!
We're spending five days in Manila and the rest in a small province called Leyte.
I may have an opportunity to shoot a blog post every now and then, but considering our itinerary, I most likely won't. So just in case you bloggers wonder why I won't update, it's because I'm in another country :]

Sunday's Someday ---

I'll keep this one short.
Someday, I would like to own a mini cooper.
One kind of like this :]
Someday when I'm successful and my daily attire includes pencil skirts of some sort.
I'm giving myself in the next 2-5 years. *crosses fingers*
The mini cooper will eventually represent the day I am completely independent.
That's why it has deemed a lot of meaning for me.

Image source

Music[video] Monday ---
This week's music video comes from Casual Bedlam's recent blog post. I became obsessed the moment I saw the video and knew I had to share it with my friends and family. It was produced by Drew Barrymore. Pretty cool, huh? The video also showcases many of Holllywood's up and coming actors, so kudos to you young actors! I love music videos with story lines. Enjoy.

I wish you all safe travels to any where you are going during the last weeks of summer vacation. Enjoy them!

Aug 5, 2011

Flashback Friday 004

Since I'll be going to the Philippines next with my Dad to visit my older sister,
I deemed it appropriate to share a picture of us probably 18+ years ago :]
I don't remember this day,
but I can tell that I loved it.
Can't you?

My older sister looks like a stylin' diva,
I'm loving my Dad's high tops
and I'm cheesin hardcore, as per usual.

I love you both so dearly.

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Friday.

Just a little reminder, the band Elijah Leaves is playing at Primo's tomorrow.
So if you're in Boone, come check them out!

Aug 4, 2011

Thank yous on Thursday -

Appreciation goes a long way,
especially when you show your appreciation.

I always find it important to give thanks, so today I spent some time writing each employee at my internship that I had an opportunity to work with a thank you card, no matter how much or how little I worked with them. It truly has been a great experience and glad they saw some potential in me. No words can show the gratitude I have towards my internship supervisor for giving me the chance to work at her office.

I am such a sucker for cute thank you cards, stationary, etc.
So I wanted to share the ones I wrote in today -

The cutest thank you cards I've purchased to date. I wrote in 11 of these today :]

Speaking of thank yous, here are some things I can be thankful for today.

Thank you Netflix for having a grand selection of tv series on instant.
Thank you roommates for your patience as I attempt to play guitar (again).
Thank you God for every person in my life and for the little gifts you give every day.
Thank you Seth Cohen for being on The O.C.
Thank you Boone for your beautifully hot, but bearable summers.
Thank you Brita pitcher for saving plastic and for good water. You rock.

Thank you to any one who has said thank you today.

Have you said thank you today?

Aug 3, 2011

I have come to realize -


No expectations.

As a little side note, my internship ends in two days. Crazy, right? Words can't describe how appreciate I am of the opportunity University Communications have given me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for seeing my potential. I plan on writing thank you notes tomorrow :]

On Saturday, Aug. 6, Elijah Leaves' first show formally as a band will be at Primo's

Then next week I leave for the Philippines!

This summer has flown by.

Aug 1, 2011

Music[video] Monday 006

I bring to you today - The Weepies
Possibly one of the cutest music videos I've seen.
I like stop-action films a lot and actually attempted to do one myself. (I'll have to find it later)
I am just constantly impressed with videography today and what technology can do,
even the simple music videos are the best.

Again, like to do "Music[video] Monday" because I think most of us forget they exist.
There are so many great music videos out there that are creative and deserve some spotlight.

What are some of your favorite music videos?

Happy Monday
and a happy August!

Sunday's Someday 003

We all question the route life seems to take us.
We're doubtful, hopeless and at times, discouraged with the way things turn out.
But as a reminder to you,
as well as myself,
it will all, some day, make sense.

We all may stumble, get a scar or two, but it all works in the "equation."
So the next time you're left with unanswered questions,
have faith.

One day.