Sep 30, 2011

it's the little things v.3

It's that time of the week for the little things post hosted by Lindsay at From Aisle to Aloha!
This week may have taken a lot out of me, but fabulous things still happened, with a side of anxiety and stress to the point of going delirious. Of course, the good things always conquer the bad not so good so it has been a good week :]

Aisle to Aloha

Here are the little things that have made my week wonderful!

I think you've read in a few past posts that I am part of Her Campus Appalachian State, which is an online magazine dedicated to the women on campus with articles on style, health, career, love, life and many other subjects that make up a woman :) I am a staff writer and of course as soon as my articles go live, I will share! For now check out their website! We've got some great articles up so far about thrifting, food and Boone. Can't beat it!
(I've put a link on the bar up top and I've just recently made a button!)

Our launch was Sept. 27 so naturally we celebrated!
Thanks to Grace, Emily from (In the life of Emily) and the rest of the PR team we had a wonderful turnout/event. Here's to the other Her Campus bloggers! Laura (Left to Write) and Katie (Hello Sunshine).

+ New pants!
This isn't the greatest picture of them, but they are the most comfortable things in the world! I initially went to Old Navy to look for a present (which I did) but I also found these...on sale. Here's what they look like online. I'm going back tomorrow for the black ones!

+ Rearranging my room!
My goal for September from my monthly goals list was to frame my photography and hang it up in my I did! I got a little carried away with decorating and rearranging :) Here are some before and after shots. I am super excited about my heavenly little corner now!

 (The painting is something I did a couple of years ago. I'll either put it somewhere else in my room or try to sell it. What do you think?)


I added the frames, tree decal, birdcage and shelf.

Other wonderful things have also happened this week such as the first Small World Project letter exchange, getting to know who is our Package Pal (Mine is Laura Jane!), semi-good grade on exams, and SURVIVING the GRE. Now it's a weekend full of traveling (Hey again Atlanta!), writing articles and fitting in school work.

Have a blessed weekend!

Sep 28, 2011

guest post

You can find me today over at Danielle's blog Tongue Tied in Awe guest posting :]
Click on the picture to check it out!

Also, I love me some giveaways and Audrey at Putting Me Together is offering
a $25 gift card to Target! Click on the gift card to find out more :]

In other news,
Today has been quite the overwhelming day.
Honestly, I've been struggling to keep everything together and to just breathe.
Maybe I need an escape this weekend.
Just maybe.

Sep 27, 2011


Hey everyone!
Things were pretty hectic and stressful these past few days filled with:
+ the GRE, but I think I did alright!
+ exams, papers, presentations, oh my!
+ picking up serving shifts at Primo's
....and things with school are just going to get crazier! Last year of college, whoo! (Well, undergrad)

I've decided to do the A-Z thing so you readers can get to know me a little better :]

Here are some snapshots of the yummy food I've had this past week.
I am a huge fan of taking pictures of my food. I think that may be my dream job .... FOOD PHOTOGRAPHER. What do you think? I would only take the job if I could eat the food afterwards... haha
From left to right:
[1] Spinach and garlic foccacia bread from Stick Boy Bread Company (local bakery)
[2] Oatmeal chocolate chip cookie from Stick Boy (but I got peanut butter choc. chip!)
[3] Wildberry scone from Panera Bread
[4] Caesar salad from Panera Bread

I am SUPER excited to do my guest post for Danielle tomorrow over at Tongue Tied in Awe!
Check back tomorrow for the link :] :]

ALSO! My friend Megan has a blog named ASULike It, which showcases the outfits she finds around our little town of Boone and today she featured me on it! You should check out her blog :) I feel so honored to be on it haha

Sep 23, 2011

I loved Fridays before Rebecca Black

Aisle to AlohaIt's the second official week of | it's the little things | post hosted by From the Aisle to Aloha. I really look forward to these posts now! All week I think, "Hm. I should save this for 'it's the little things'." Haha. Kudos to Lindsay for creating such a wonderful idea.

So, here we go!

+ It's boot season!
Ah, the smell of Autumn means boots and warm colors and tights and falling leaves and and and and and scarves and jackets! Should I keep going? Especially with the horrible grammar? One of little but exciting things this week was being able to wear boots. Now I'm craving to buy some new ones...uh oh.

These two pair of boots are probably my staples. I'm willing to expand though ;) I was wearing some wedges with this outfit, but as you can probably notice outside, it was not weather appropriate. My sleeves look kind of awkward rolled up, but you get the picture ;)


+ 1st pair of boots: TJ Maxx
+ 2nd pair of boots: Rack Room Shoes
+ Shorts: American Eagle
+ Long sleeve shirt: Old Navy (sleepwear. hehe)

+ Grinding coffee

A little bit ago I received free coffee from Caribou Coffee (yay for connections!), but the coffee were still beans. I was brainstorming ways of creeping into various grocery stores to use their grinder until one of my good friends here in Boone let me use her coffee grinder! As mundane as a task it seems, I actually had a lot of fun!

Here's my little experience -

And viola! Fresh grounded coffee.

+ 7 Things & an "Tell me about yourself Award"
This week, I have been extremely honored with everything in the blog world. I seriously have met some very sweet and welcoming ladies. From receiving the "I dig your blog Award" from Gentri at her blog, Gentri Lee to joining The Small World Project from The Art of Being Cool blog.

Now I will be participating in the Package Pals 2011 created by Gentri and Katie from Chestnut Mocha awarded me with the "Tell me about yourself Award." What a sweetheart! Thank you so much. I'm a very happy blogger. All this on top of the wonderful new followers I have and lovely comments. So thank you to everyone who has been so sweet and kind!

Here are the rules for the newest award!

1. Say "thank you" with a linking post
2. Write 7 things about yourself
3. Give the award to 15 other blogs
4. Inform them about it!

My 7 things
1. I am Filipino and I absolutely love going to the Philippines.

2. I take my photos with a Nikon D60.
3. I have some knowledge with playing the guitar, ukulele and piano.
4. I can make some of the best made-from-scratch cream cheese frosting...ever.
5. My favorite color changes on the daily.
6. I think I might give up potatoes for lent? (Ahhhhh!)
7. I love to paint, but I haven't painted in months :( Sadly.

Here's are the 15 blogs and I would love to pass this award to!
I would love to learn more about you all!

1. Gentri from Gentri Lee
2. Chui Ying from elephantisl♥ve
3. Ashley from The Feisty Redhead
4. Bree from The Art of Being Cool
5. Autumn from Stay Gold, Autumn
6. Katia from Kitty Snooks
7. Chloe from me, myself, and jeff
8. Amber from The Owl's Den
9. Ashley from City Lights
10. Charming Eleplant
11. Sophie from cupcakes and notes
12. Kate from Kate's Irrevelant
13. Lauren from Logicandlemondrops
14. Renee from Ren Am
15. Mike from The Adventures of WonderboyAhoy

The last two are two of my really good friends, but I still want to get to know you both better :]
Make sure you let me know when you do your post! I would love to read it.

PS - The title of this blog was something I tweeted a month or so ago. Haha. I'm sure I'm not the only one who came up with this, but I thought it was a little clever.

EDIT 12:14 pm
I just wanted to thank Angela from Simply Simple Me for tagging me in the "Tell me about yourself Award." I am absolutely smitten! I have the best blogger friends. So thank you Angela for just being the absolute sweetest!

Sep 21, 2011

J&H Part II

For those who don't know, my best friend/roommate is getting married next summer! I had the honor of taking her engagement shots and most recently her save the date photos! We can't show you the actual save the date photo, so that those who get it in the mail can "ooooh" and "ahhhhh," but I'll share with you the other photos of the cutest couple in the world.

Click here for their engagement shots!

(c) Melissa Vega

Sorry we can't show you the actual save the date! :]
Eventually I will because it's really really cute!

Here's to my best friends <3
You two belong together and I feel so honored that you asked me to take your photos.

Love love and then more love!

Oh and PS. The H is for Hawksworth! (the groom's last name)

Sep 20, 2011

wonderful news all around!

The sweet and beautiful Gentri from Gentri Lee seriously made my day by awarding me with this award!

Since I started blogging, I never thought I would meet such an array of wonderfully kind, creative and warm group of people. I look forward to many more adventures via blogging!
Here's the three random facts about me: (since I'm suppose to do this after the award)

1. I don't drink milk.
2. I like to watch Disney shows.
3. I collect dead light bulbs.

Now it's my turn to award five of my favorite fellow bloggers!
(This is so difficult considering I love so many blogs!)

1. Jillian from A Jillian stitches....
She is fashionable, creative, beautiful and talented. Need I say more?
2. Danielle from tongue tied in awe
She is one of the first blogger friends I've made and her blog seriously inspires me daily!
3. Kelsey from Kelsey and Covey
Absolutely adorable and her blog never fails to make me smile.
4. Audrey from Putting Me Together
Her outfits always inspire me!
5. Karlya from casual bedlam
Because we're so similar, except she's a little bit cooler :]
Fixed the spelling ;]

So for those of you I awarded, pass the award along to five blogs that you dig!

The innovative Bree from The Art of Being Cool came up with this wonderful idea called "The Small World Project" which is a personal monthly snail-mail relationship between bloggers. I was chosen to be one of the first four bloggers along with Bree, to send each other creative snail mails for a month! Check out her post about the whole idea and click here to meet the other participants I'll be getting to know soon :] The project starts in October and I'm really excited!

Other wonderful news include:
+ My first Her Campus writing assignment! (More on this later I promise)
+ The save the date photos for my best friends have been taken, but we'll have to keep them a secret until the invites go out! Wish I could show you, but you'll just have to wait :]
+ I've just been really happy and excited about the future of this blog!

What a great start to a week. How was your Tuesday?

Sep 18, 2011


This has been my week in snapshots.
Last weekend I got a new phone (because I dropped my Blackberry in the ocean...), but luckily we got a good deal on a phone called the Google Nexus 4G Droid and I'm in love with it! It's like the Sprint version of an iPhone, so instead of having Instagram (which I know a lot of you lucky bloggers have), I have a similar app called My Tubo. If some of you all follow my Twitter, you may find these snapshots familiar, but here's a little bit more detail of my week :]

Pins! Pins! Galore.
Since I was 15, I started collecting pins and putting them on the inside roof of my car. Throughout the years, I have had generous friends giving me pins, finding them at Goodwill and of course the occasional purchase. I usually don't go searching for them, they usually find me :] It makes my car seem really young and funky, so I'll keep them for now. Who says I have to grow up completely.

Fall is approaching! And I couldn't be more excited. This photo was taken while I was walking to class last week. It's time for boots, scarves, my mustard yellow jacket, uggs and fuzzy socks.

As mentioned in the last post, my roommate and I got the opportunity to finally do some crafts! Due to weather, we haven't been able to implement the crafts we've made for their save the date pictures, but hopefully we'll be able to do it soon! I miss crafts. I made a promise to myself I would do more crafts this year. There was even talk of maybe participating in the local Boone Handmade Market? First we need items to maybe we'll just shop again like last year...haha.

fourRIP beansTalk :[
This was one of my favorite local coffee shops that closed down this past summer. Lots of memories since Freshmen year. Maybe another coffee shop will open up soon, but for now passing that building is a little sad :[ Here's a link an old post where we visited beansTalk for the last time.

This weekend I have been to Panera Bead twice! They have the best deal on coffee. If you dine-in and order coffee with a mug, you get free refills, so if you're like me studying for the GRE for hours at a time, those free refills start to sound really good. Today I got the Potato Soup in a bread bowl. Ah-ma-zing soup, probably one of my favorites from Panera. Yum yum yum. Panera Bread can never do wrong.

[And if some of you were wondering about all the sudden design changes, it's because my wonderful Dad got me the Adobe Creative Suite 5 for my birthday a couple weeks ago! Yay! So I've been obsessed with designing things and getting more practice. Let me know what you think! I have been getting some graphics from Polyvore, too]

How was your weekend? What was your favorite part?

Sep 16, 2011


This is my first | it's the little things | post hosted by Lindsey over at From Aisle to Aloha. She is one of my favorite bloggers so I decided to jump on the wagon and share the little things that have made my week :]
+ List making
First off, in order for me to somewhat function throughout the day, I make lists. It gives me goals and then I always feel a sense of accomplishment once I cross them off. Lists keep me focused and organized, so if anyone is feeling overwhelmed...make a list! It can look impossible in the beginning, but once you cross those to-do's off, it's a wholllllle other feeling.

+ Craft nightOne thing that I never have enough in my week are arts and crafts, so to prepare for my roommate's part II of her engagement pictures I'm taking, we made some props for the event! We're planning on shooting them next week, but here's a little sneak peak ;)


+Welcoming the Fall with open arms
Here in Boone, Fall starts a little early and ends even earlier, so it's always best to take FULL advantage of the scarf, cardigan and tights wearing weather before it gets to the 5 inch coats and obnoxious boots kind of weather. I finally get to wear my favorite ankle boots that were a hand-me-down!

and a little bow to top it off.

outfit details
top: traded with roommate, originally Forever 21
shorts: Philippines ($10!)
bow: Philippines ($2!)
shoes: hand-me-down from Dad's girlfriend

Other exciting things this week:
+ First Her Campus meeting! [I got a position as a Staff Writer. We're an online magazine for woman on our campus! First issues comes out in 11 days.]
+ Re-activated my Netflix account! My travel channel shows are now on there (Yes!)
+ Revamped the blog! New banner, About section and links on the side. Gave it a nice little makeover :)
What were the little things that made your week?

Aisle to Aloha

Happy Friday!
Enjoy the weekend.