Jan 9, 2013


Photos were taken in my old college apartment when I was fixing up my bookshelf about a year ago

One of my New Year's Resolutions (NYR) is to read one book every month. Maybe five years ago this seemed nothing out of the ordinary, but for this post-graduate lady, reading a book sounds as "impossible" as getting eight hours of sleep a night. I seriously thought after college meant more sleep and less things to do. Boy was I wrong. If anything it is less sleep, more things to do. And it just gets crazier from here, right?

The last book I read was Shades of Grey (cue blushing), but I never had the inspiration to finish the last two of the series. They are stored away in my Kindle and I suppose one day I will finish them. Is it me or did it just seem repetitive? I mean, I could only deal with so many, ahem, hardcore not-so-Disney-channel scenes in a book series. Goodness I sound like a prude. Was I judging the other two books too quickly?

This month I am reading Eat Pray Love and I couldn't be more excited. I think I will jump back on my Goodreads account and try to not look like a loser on there anymore. Yikes it looks rough on there!

I will make an effort to track my progress through my blog. I've created a button (naturally) so that I make sure I hold up my end of my NYR deal. Feel free to snag the button if you would like to join in on this challenge! I would love to see what everyone is reading lately since I have been out of the game.

Here's to new year resolutions that will be accomplished and getting lost in a book.


  1. first. you are a no reply blogger. fix it my dear!!

    second. i see the book up there, "white oleander"... i want that book. i need it. now.

    thanks for the follow! i will followed back! loving you and your blog. now i must catch up on your past posts as well!

    want to swap buttons as well????

  2. This is SUCH a great resolution to have! It's definitely something I'm wanting to incorporate into my year this year. I can't wait to hear about all the books you dive into! Eat Pray Love was wonderful. ;)

  3. Heheheh this is a great goal - mine is 6 books this year which, as you noted, seems totally lame and few, but I know that's what's more realistic with the life I lead haha!

    And you WOULD love Eat Pray Love, all that travel/self discovery stuff ;)
    About the pineapple - that and the WATERMELON. MAN, they do fruit so much better in Costa Rica. It was such a phenomenal place!!


  4. Yay! Good for you! I was doing this last year, and i did achieve my goal so i'm going to continue it this year. Taking your button and joining in the fun!

  5. Sounds like a good resolution to me. My resolution is to read 30 books this year and I'm yet to read one! Best get a move on :)

    1. Wow!! 30 books?! Good luck with that! I'd love to know what's on your reading list!

  6. Love it! I'm trying to read more this year, too. I just finished Alice in Wonderland. I miss seeing you in Walker Hall!

    1. Ooh la la! How was the book? I have never read it yet but definitely on my lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng to read list!

      I miss you seeing you too. I hope all is well :) Give Boone a huge hug for me :D

  7. Once I graduate I would love to be a part of this! It is one of my goals to start reading more after I'm done with school. I've been bogged down with all these scholarly texts so it's hard for me to fit in a fun book in there. I can't wait though! There are so many books I want to read. I read Eat, Pray, Love last summer and loved it. It really made me think about following my dreams and passions instead of doing what everyone tells you to do.

    1. You should absolutely join! I wish I could somehow inplement a "book club" kind of deal where we discuss books we are reading or have a forum, but I don't really know how to do about something like that! I definitely put fun books aside when I was in college so now that I am a "working woman" I thought I would have more time to read.... that's false but I don't have to ready academic books so it makes reading actually fun this time around :)

      I'd love to know what books you're reading though! Be sure to let me know when you start reading more :D Thanks for stopping by the blog!
